Signs of the Zodiac

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The word Zodiac literally means animals and refers to the patterns or configurations of creatures as seen in the twinkling stars at night. The Zodiac belt is the great circle around which our luminescent Sun apparently moves month by month throughout the year, transceiving the energy of those different constellational signs and thereby transmitting the celestial radiations to our Earth.


Astrology is the study of correlations of celestial events with behavior on earth, particularly correlations which cannot be explained by gravitation, magnetism, or other forces that are well-established in physics or other sciences.

A "celestial event" is any event in the sky. For example, the Sun rising is a celestial event, or any two planets appearing in the same place in the sky is a celestial event. The celestial event can involve any celestial body, whether it be the Sun, Moon, a planet, an asteroid, comet, star, black hole, quasar, or other celestial object. The celestial event may also not involve any physical body at all, such as when, for example, the Moon's North Node (as we shall find out later, the Moon's North Node is not a physical object) is on the eastern horizon. The eastern horizon is, of course, simply where the sky meets the horizon of the earth in the easterly direction, and therefore is also not a physical body like a planet or star.

Some people mention that the Moon's position affects the tides of the ocean, as an example of an astrological influence, but the correlation of ocean tides with the Moon's position can be explained by gravitation so it is not really astrological in that the rules used by astrologers generally cannot be explained by gravitation or other forces known in the sciences.

Astrology has been used by virtually every advanced civilization for thousands of years, but it has almost always been very controversial as well. Today, skepticism about astrology is as strong as ever, and there are many good reasons for this. Astrology has its roots in ancient times when less scientific methods were employed and superstition was rampant in many of these civilizations. The only exposure that many people have had to astrology is the sun sign columns in the newspaper or a glamorous psychic astrologer on television. Thus, it is hardly surprising that astrology is generally not accepted as a legitimate and valid field of inquiry by academia. Resistance to astrology in academia is strong. The Kepler program and other fine work being done in the field of astrology today will hopefully open the eyes of many people to a valuable tool that is being overlooked.

Some people confuse astrology with astronomy. Astronomy is the science that studies celestial phenomena physically. All objects in the sky are studied in terms of their constitution, position, history, etc. Astronomy, of course, is a science and no one disputes its validity. Astrology goes a step beyond astronomy by making correlations of celestial phenomena with events on earth, and these correlations are not of a nature that can be easily explained by traditional scientific concepts. Astrology is highly controversial, and currently (as of 1998; this may change in the near future) an accredited college degree is not available in astrology, which exemplifies the fact that astrology is currently not well-received in most academic circles.

Note that no one has proven how astrology works. There are many different views on how or why astrology might work, but there is not single conclusive answer that has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of all astrologers. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial phenomena and behavior on earth but why should this correlation exist? There are many possible answers and I will not go into those now. Note that the lack of a clear explanation of why the correlation should exist, or the fact that the existence of such a correlation seems absurd to many scientists and non-scientists alike, does not in itself make astrology unscientific. Scientists can analyze correlations and perfect their ability to predict based on these correlations without knowing why the correlation exists. Experts in scientific methodology emphasize that science ultimately is about making observations and theories help us understand the observations. The ability to predict that an apple will fall to the ground if dropped is a scientifically verifiable statement and it does not require the theory of gravitation to make it more scientific. However, the theory of gravitation allows us to understand not only why the apple falls to the ground, but also a myriad other phenomena such as why planets revolve around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth. The power of a scientific theory is that it expands our ability to make predictions about other phenomena, but the lack of good theories does not make a replicable experiment less scientific.


Broadly speaking, the 12 signs of the Zodiac can be divided into both masculine and feminine, positive and negative, or, active and passive. The masculine signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, whereas the feminine signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. If you are unsure about your sign, click here to find out.


The Quaternaries are three in number - this means that the 12 signs of the Zodiac are divided into three categories of four signs each. They are called the Cardinal signs, the Fixed signs and the Mutable signs.

The Cardinal signs

The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which are the signs of dynamic change, movement and great vitality.

The Fixed signs

The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and relate to stability, earthiness and fixity. The determination of the Fixed signs expresses itself in the form of great willpower.

The Mutable signs

The Mutable signs cover Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces which are the adaptable and interchangeable signs capable of moulding and modifying circumstances and conditions in life.


Aries, take a bow. You're the first sign of the zodiac so it shouldn't come as any surprise then that you’re a born leader. You shine brightly, taking the initiative in everything you do and people see that in you immediately. There are no half-measures with you.

Remember the moon landing? Neil Armstrong was an Aries like you and the first to boldly go where no man had gone before. You have that same fearlessness and certainly aren't afraid to explore the unknown in life.

You’re lively, energetic and daring, and a fighter too. You crave adventure, and love to travel the world. You're a pioneer, and have the ability to lead. People admire your independence and freedom of expression in everything you do.

You could opt for work where you are your own boss, because you hate being told what to do. You know how to make your own decisions and create your own destiny. There might be plenty of stress in treading this path but at least it’s pressure on your own terms.

Achieving your goals is important to you. You know exactly what you want, and have no problem going after your goals. Your style is brisk, edgy and uncompromising. People who associate with you soon learn that they have to keep up — if they don’t, they'll soon fall by the wayside.

You have an instinctive understanding of what has to be done. There’s no procrastination in your manner- you hate laziness. You accept all experiences as a challenge, something to be jumped into with passion and excitement. It's all one big learning curve for an Aries.

You have ample confidence and self-assurance. These characteristics are at the heart of your nature and are among your greatest strengths. Just remember that sometimes this comes across as being overly assertive, perhaps even self-centred.

Your freedom-loving spirit means you like having space to get on with your work on your own terms. This can make it hard for you to be at your best in a team environment — some people misinterpret your energy and focus as insensitivity, even rudeness. You could try to make an effort, when you are working in a group, to let your co-workers see your unselfish and non-egotistical side.

You always prefer to get on with the job rather than to sitting around waiting for something to happen. This means that you are a little impatient with people who work at a slower pace. You can counteract this by remembering to relax and focus on some give and take — this will be an important challenge and life lesson for you.

You are impulsive yet will come up with all sorts of brilliant ideas. Occasionally however, you will occasionally get things wrong, too. Luckily, you aren’t afraid of making mistakes and learning your life lessons the hard way. (There’s Aries' fearlessness kicking in again!)

All these traits that reflect tons of energy, enthusiasm and confidence but you are also misunderstood by others. Some will say you are tactless and indifferent when they offer you advice. From your point of view, it’s a matter of remembering that not everyone is as quick-witted and capable as you; just be aware that you need to be gentle and patient when dealing with weakness or slowness in others.

It would be a good idea to pay more attention to detail, rather than just focusing on the big picture, which is what you instinctively do — this would help bring out your talents.

Try to accommodate the different types of people you have to deal with. If you can learn to balance your patience and sensitivity with your courage and determination, you will discover your life can be magically transformed and spiritualised.

In this life you are destined to take on a leadership position. Remember, that while you are tackling your responsibilities, you are also setting an example for others.

If you can tap into the gentler and cooler side of your character, it will temper your passion and energy superbly, and you will be much loved and looked up to by family, friends and work associates.

If you were born between 21 and 30 March, the planet Mars will be doubly strong for you. It rules your fortune and destiny. You can be very demanding, and not so good at tolerating opposition in any form — you will make those of different views from yours prove their case. You are the Ghengis Khan of the Aries clan.

This increased Martian energy gives you lots of oomph and physical stamina. You need to get involved with as much physical activity as possible to release your frustration.

If you were born between 31 March and 10 April, it makes you a proud and extremely loyal person. You also have traces of the other fire sign, Leo, in your make-up. You’re one of the brighter fireflies in the Aries camp and attract people very easily.
You also impose your will on others, almost magically, without their opposition. Your lesson in life is to learn how to use your powers responsibly.

Being born between 11 and 19 April means you are endowed with greater humanitarian characteristics, which means you have gentler and added charitable motivations behind your actions.

You run the risk of occasionally pushing yourself harder than your body and mind can handle. You mean well, but in the heat of the moment you say and do things you later regret. You’re a lucky person, though, because Jupiter’s beneficial rays promise protection. Many fascinating opportunities are destined to come your way.


If you were to describe the typical Taurus temperament, you would probably use words such as ‘cautious’, ‘practical’ and ‘purposeful’. One word you definitely wouldn’t use is ‘impulsive’.

When you are making important decisions in life, decisions about things that are vital to your security and the welfare of those you love, you spend a long time on them. You want those decisions to be rock solid.

Once your mind is made up, you have amazing persistence and follow through, plus tons of energy — you rarely give up on a task once you’ve decided on it. And you’ll stick to your guns, even if you’re being provoked, tempted or ridiculed. This will be a blessing at some times and a curse at others.

Sometimes this ability to hang in there can turn into pride and obstinacy. At other times you refuse to accept another opinion or suggestion, even though the advice is reasonable and the person offering it has nothing but good intentions. What if the person is right?

Those who love you and offer you constructive criticism don’t mean to hurt you — they have your best interests at heart — and what they offer can be useful to you. Try to remember that.

If you look inside yourself, you’ll see that sometimes the reason you hold on to your position or opinion so fiercely is that you fear change.
Because you take such pride in your ability to see things through to the end, people who try to meddle with what you have set out to do, or change the rules of the game, are likely to hear from you, loud and clear. You really, really want to finish what you start.

Also, people will not have much success if they try to push something onto you and leave you no room to control your destiny. Then the bull in you really starts to make itself heard and felt.

On the other side of the coin, you also like to take it easy. This goes back to liking to leave things as they are. You may need to keep an eye on this — complacency and apathy are down the end of that path.

Change is the only constant in life and you may need to remind yourself of this every now and then; trying to resist all change leads only to stress and dissatisfaction with your life and relationships.

You also have a great love affair with the finer things in life. If you could find a servant to help with all the boring jobs you hate, you could live the luxurious life you dream of!

You are a great mate. When you agree to help someone, you go to any lengths to keep your word. You’ll never let yourself or others down. You are extremely dependable.

You’re also exceptionally sensitive and very patient. You’re prepared to wait as long as it takes for the right moment to act and you seize the opportunity when it wanders anywhere near you. Patience is one of your greatest virtues and it usually pays off.

Having honourable intentions, plus your patience and perseverance, are what others see as your finest — and most recognisable — character traits.
Your one-track mind about doing a job right— either at work or at home — has a good and a bad side. It means you’re very focused on what you’re doing, which is good but it also means you drive people crazy by showing them the ‘correct way’ to do things. Your family may not appreciate lessons in how to clean and stack the dishes or drive the car!

Actually, simplicity is what appeals to you — you can’t stand pompousness and look-at-me behaviour. You know that beauty is not about what you wear or what hairstyle you have.

You enjoy getting your hands dirty with gardening, practical hobbies and odd jobs around the home. Hard work doesn’t scare you in the least.
Taurus is a touchy-feely sign, which means you rely on your feelings rather than your mind when you try to understand your experiences.

You trust your own intuition about others — and you are usually right. However, you have terrific reasoning skills as well, so don’t dismiss your sensible nature; balancing these two sides of yourself will increase your success in life.

If you are a Taurean born between 20 April and 29 April you are under the double influence of Venus. You are sensual, loving and destined to be lucky in love. Try to curb your appetite to have the biggest and best of everything however. Learning the art of contentment is one of your main life lessons.

Born between 30 April and 10 May? Well Taurus, I see you have a very active mind are sometimes overly critical of yourself and others. Rely on your intuitive feelings rather than analysing every detail. This will bring you far more happiness in your life.

As a Taurean born between 11 May and 21 May you are prone to a more serious financial attitude in life. You like the idea of being practical and saving for a rainy day. That's fine but don't forget to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Your financial sense is very strong and is one of your best assets.


The third sector of the zodiac, Gemini is all about intelligence and communication. You're born under this sign and have a talent for and love of using your minds and expressing yourself fully.

As a Gemini, you are a bower bird, mentally, and take an interest in all sorts of different things. Anything that gets your mind ticking over will grab you. You constantly try to challenge your mental abilities and will make extra efforts to understand anything you put your mind to.

You can’t understand why other people don’t feel the same way. To you, this kind of stimulation is your life blood. Anyone who engages you in quick-witted and thoughtful banter will win your heart for sure.

Some great communicators are born under your sign — actresses Helen Hunt and Marilyn Monroe, for instance. Like them, you take interest in anything that requires a little brain power. Reading and ferreting out information on the internet are a perfect way for you to unwind. Communication would have to be one of your favourite pastimes.

Taking up acting classes wouldn’t be a bad idea either, even if you don’t fancy yourself as an Emmy Award winner. Meeting new people and sharing your thoughts and feelings with them is enough of a blast for you.

Not all Geminis have brains on the brain, though. Anna Kournikova, the tennis superstar, proves that — she puts her focus into physical exercise. She is a superb tennis player which requires physical dexterity and mental agility as well.

Gemini is also on the top of the list of achievers in sport. But the sport you get into will be one that requires a strategic and intellectual approach. If it doesn’t, it won’t sustain your interest. Tennis, chess, golf and card games like bridge and canasta appeal to you.

If you could be accused of anything, it would be that you spread yourself too thinly, by being interested in too many things. To some people, you seem superficial and flighty. It’s the ‘rolling stone gathering no moss’ thing — doing a bit of this and a bit of that and not getting deeply into any one thing.

You see it differently, of course. To you life is a smorgasbord, and you’re going to taste everything. Trying just one main course, so to speak, isn’t your thing. Variety, diversity and experimentation are some of your key words. And you can always say, ‘At least I’ll never be boring!’

The fact that you take on so much also means you risk wearing yourself out and letting your vitality engine slow down. It is not easy for you to pace yourself, but if you can get your self-discipline working on this, you can achieve more than most. Make sure you have enough fuel in your gas tank to get you to where you want to go.

People always love your company — your adaptability makes you interesting. People are amazed at your versatility, at the way you manage to juggle so many different activities. Is there anything you don’t try your hand at? They wonder.

Learning will always be one of your passions — you don’t believe there’s ever a good time to limit someone’s desire to improve their mind.

You have a great love of the written as well as the spoken word, and will often put pen to paper — or hands to keyboard — to get your own thoughts down. Sometimes this is just so you can work out what you think about a particular issue or event. Lots of journalists, writers, and advisers are Geminis; their way with words is their best tool for making a lasting impression.

You also have a strong connection to travel and short journeys. You’ll often feel restless, and your itchy feet will set you wandering. These journeys may not be long, but there will be plenty of them — you’re always on the go. You are thirsty for new experiences, and even on short journeys or in transit, you’ll throw yourself into meeting new and unusual people.

You’re fascinated by psychology and the way human relationships work, so you will seek a life partner who is as into communication as you are. You will need this sort of person if you are to achieve emotional fulfilment.

You are the type of person friends and relatives turn to for advice on their love life. This has an upside for you too — it helps you understand what’s going on in your own life, romantically speaking.

Geminis seem to grow younger rather than older. Physically, you will maintain a youthful glow, and you will never lose your fun-loving liveliness. You’re really not into that 'growing old gracefully' thing.

Vitality and constant stimulation are what you are about. A peaceful old age is definitely not your cup of tea (even if you happen to be over 60).


Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is a water sign, which signifies your highly emotional nature. Being under the sway of the element of water also makes you highly caring, generous and intuitive. You are highly evolved, even spiritual — the water signs are karmically developed and refined in spirit.

Water is malleable and adaptable. You are very much like that. You adapt when you have to, but you much prefer to make changes on your own terms.
Like water, you are soothing and nourishing too. Life-supporting energies are at the heart of your character. You will act as a support for many people — in your own family and beyond.

Oscar-winning actress Kathy Bates is a dedicated patron, funding a Beverly Hills hospital for women recovering from cancer. Guess what her star sign is? You got it — Cancer!

You are for the most part a person of feeling and sensation. Often you will ignore your own judgment and rationality, and someone’s else’s reasonable advice, in favour of how you feel. You don’t care if you’re wrong, either! If your intuition tells you to do something, like reaching out to give someone a helping hand, you’ll just do it.

Others turn to you when they need a shoulder to cry on — you’ll do well in any of the caring professions. This approach is highlighted by your key life phrase, ‘I nurture’. You find it difficult to turn away anyone in need. Anyone who knows you will agree that you are one of the best people to connect with if they need advice. Friends will turn to you if they are in trouble, knowing that your sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.

You are extremely receptive to your environment and the people around you, and will often ‘pick up’ people’s energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves you well; your intuition about people is quite often correct. Your knack of knowing people’s issues before they even open their mouths attracts them to you. The difficulty with this, though, is that you can tend to absorb their emotions — negative as well as positive.

You reflect the qualities of the changing Moon. This means that at times your emotions get the better of you, and you swing from high to low. Family and friends will be well aware of this, but they will not doubt your loyalty and supportiveness.

Another aspect of the Moon that sometimes doesn’t work well for you is its maternal nature. You sometimes veer too close to the mothering/smothering lane, which can put people off.

Back on the plus side, you love to mix with all sorts of people. Social activities are an essential ingredient in your development. You are a great success socially, because you can convey your wisdom to others so well — Cancerians have very expressive faces.

Creative enterprises are a great way to make the most of your moods and your imagination. Music and writing are perfect vehicles for you. You can express the inner part of your being as entertaining literary, art or music pieces.

Cooking is also a great outlet for you. Even if you cook as a hobby rather than as a job, you will find that it balances your state of mind over time.

Sometimes you can get locked into your own private lifestyle, and only come out at full Moon. Being a recluse is not for you, though — share your talents and love with the world. Some of this is down to your love of the night.

Because the Moon’s domain is the night, many Cancerians are night owls. From twilight on, your creativity starts to flow and you feel at home — you have a strong affinity with lunar energies. This is a good time to get into writing, meditating, or just walking in the moonlight. All these will energise you. You love the stillness and mystery of the night.

You are a consummate homemaker. Even men born under this sign express the ‘feminine’ aspect of their character in their love of the kitchen, and activities that make them feel secure in their domestic space.

You love to collect or keep mementos — such as scrapbooks and other bits and pieces — that bring back memories of good times and people you care about. You have a great memory, not just for facts, but also any good turn or kindness you’ve received.

You can always talk about any subject with anyone. That retentive memory is a help here, as is your impartial, even-handed approach to people generally. Dealing with people comes naturally to you: add this to your shrewdness and intuition, and you are likely to be a good businessperson. You can also use these skills in managing your day-to-day life.

If you are a Cancer born between 22nd June and 3rd July you are under the double influence of Moon. You are emotional, loving and destined in marriage and love life. However, try to curb your changeable emotions. Don't let sentimentality rule you.

Were you born between 4th and 13th July? Well, Cancer, I see you have a very deep and penetrating mind and can sometimes be overly intense in relationships. Your loyalty is unconditional and you make the staunchest of friends.

As a Cancer born between 14th and 22nd July you are prone to a dreamy and idealistic attitude in life. You like the idea of being compassionate and forgiving to everyone and serve the needs of friends and family well. That’s fine but don’t forget that you have needs as well.


The Sun is your ruling planet Leo. Of course the Sun is not really a planet; it is the centre of our solar system. And, as above, so below! You shine as brightly as the Golden globe because you reflect the characteristics of the heavenly body that rules your star sign!
You too are a ball of dynamic energy. You are warm, bright and self-motivated, and you want to make an impression in everything you do — your work, your love life and your social life.

Because you are extremely generous, you expect others to be just as big-hearted. So when you see others holding back, you find it hard to not jump in and try to change that. You want to see everyone giving to the best of their ability. To other people, you can look like a bit of a tyrant, asking for more than they can give.

When you are feeling upbeat, you carry people away with your energy, and they love you for it. You love sharing your joys and successes with the people you love, and when you do, you are magnanimous — you never give a thought to getting anything in return. There are few star signs who really understand the nature of giving, but Leo seems to have perfected the art.

You also have a great sense of timing. When you offer a friendly word or gesture of encouragement, you pick the exact moment when it will have greatest impact. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time. You’re lucky this way.

Try to remember that your strong sense of self can be misinterpreted by others — understatement could sometimes be a more effective way for you to show your loyalty and express your generosity.
Some people think you are a show-off, but this too is a mistake. Your dramatic flair is part and parcel of your zest for life, your love of people and your optimism. For you, life is a stage on which you can perform and express your talents.

You may not be a performer on the entertainment stage, but Mick Jagger, a Leo, is, and he is a very good example of the strutting, egotistical nature of Leo. Mick exudes charisma, creativity and a personal style all his own. Not only that, but he has embedded his brand name as No. 1 in the rock industry, decade after decade. On the stage of life, you too will want to be No. 1, and to present yourself as someone special, with unique talents.

Loyalty is your trademark. People know you are a genuine friend who is always ready to lend a hand. Even if you can’t help someone with their specific problem, you still manage to send out a warm and reassuring vibration that makes them feel better.

On the other hand, you also have a need to ‘one-up’ others. A little more humility wouldn’t hurt. You will get plenty of praise and recognition for your energy and your self-motivation — you don’t need to big-note yourself. People will instantly recognise your abilities, and many will look up to you. Try not to let this go to your head; remind yourself occasionally to ‘get off your high horse’.

Leo’s totem is the lion, lord of the jungle — full of muscularity, grace and ferocity. This means that your physical appetites and general level of energy are extraordinarily high. You need to be physically mobile and fully engaged in meaningful work and social activities to feel good.

You are a born leader: people naturally gravitate to you, and look to you for guidance and security. This is especially true if you are born in the very first part of Leo - that is you're born between 24th July and 3rd August. At times you can seem a hard taskmaster, demanding excellence from them — this is just a reflection of your own actions, your own approach, but keep an eye out for it, and keep it under control.

For Leos born between the 4th and 14th of August, Jupiter and Sagittarius have a strong sway over your life. You are adventurous and love to travel, learn about new cultures and explores the world and people. Mostly easygoing you attract many friends and seem to be in the right place at the right time. You're one of the lucky Leos.

Are you a Leo born between the 15th and 23rd August? Then your fighting spirit is second to none! Nothing gets in the road of your ambitions so its quite clear that you will achieve what you set your heart upon. My only comment is that you should never tread on anyone's toes on the way up the ladder of success. You might just have to deal with them on the way down!

Generally you have a pioneering spirit; this is connected to your desire to be the best. So while you could be quite happy with a life where you follow other people’s rules and regulations, mostly you’ll much prefer to blaze your own trail.

This means you will carve out your own niche and make a name for yourself. You’ll shine in almost everything you do, and will without a doubt make your mark in the world — you can reach the top of the ladder, no matter what field you choose.


Virgo is earthy and represents the sixth sign of the zodiac. You belong to a group of people known for their perfectionism and highly analytical minds. There's a bit of a joke about how precise and demanding Virgos are but when you think about it, what's wrong with being tidy, organised and clean? In a way, you are misunderstood and your attention to detail, your desire for excellence and hygiene is not as bad as some might think.

You have a rather unusual preoccupation of being extremely fastidious and also critical of the world. Some of the people that know you feel as if your standards are way too high to live up to. If only they knew just how critical you are of yourself! You don’t really expect any more of others than you do of yourself. And after a time those that hang out or live with you start to learn some vital lessons about the true meaning of work and achievement. This due to your high standards.

When you do express your criticism of something it's more than likely because you’ve analysed and summed up a situation correctly before acting out your thoughts. While some people might find this an annoying habit, others will never hesitate to involve you in their work. These people recognise your natural talents and will invite you onto their social scene and involve you in their personal projects, as your expertise is highly valued.

You make a wonderful impression with your skilful insights and broad-based knowledge. Simply put, you are a most interesting person to be with. When others get to know you a little more, you can be a fascinating person with all sorts of useful titbits of information.

On the most practical level you really like to do things properly, meticulously by working through the work or service you perform on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter how small or large the task, you take pride in how well you do it. You investigate things before diving in. Once you have all the information required you complete your task to the best of your ability.

Others who aren't quite as precise in the way they carry out their own work find it hard dealing with you. In your own mind there’s no point in doing anything half-heartedly. You'd rather not do it at all. You are very clear on this.

Time is also important to you. So you like to make sure you use it well. It would be unusual to find a disorganised Virgo. Keeping a diary and making lists are a favourite pastime of yours. Of course having the right pen and paper to keep your lists is just as important so a favourite hangout for some Virgos is the local stationery supply store. It sounds a little weird sure, but you do need to have the right pen to write with!

You are cautious about all manner of things from how much the food bill costs to what type of person is just right for you in your social or romantic life. You have a hawk eye and can spot an error a mile away. If that food bill is out by 5 cents you'll pick it up.

Your Virgoan antenna is sharp as a tack and you'll pay special attention to the fine detail of any subject matter. You’re also very well read and interested in a variety of topics. You consider yourself an eternal student of sorts.

Some people think you’re shy and unassuming but this is only because you cautiously like to observe and analyse people and situations before jumping to conclusions. You do have a keen intelligence and a capacity for learning but prefer to make your decisions based on sound judgments. Practical facts are preferable to naive or airy fairy beliefs according to you.

If you're born between the 24th August and 3rd September you really don’t like to be the centre of attention. You become quite embarrassed if singled out in the crowd. You'd prefer to remain anonymous. You are the quiet achiever who likes to remain in the background concentrating on getting things done right without too much hullabaloo.

If you're born between the 4th and 14th of September you bring a clear and decisive viewpoint to any matter at hand. You're a quick thinker and although you are logical in the way you live your life, you do have moments of intuition that surprise even you! Don't become too serious though!

Allow yourself to express your youthful and innocent qualities if you are born between the 15th and 23rd of September. Venus, your co-ruler adds sensuality to your character. You will always remain young and pleasure seeking. Growing old gracefully doesn’t appeal to you. Life is to be lived to the fullest.


You’re born under the sign of Libra, which represents the element of air, or the intellect. You’re most definitely a thinker — you like to use your mind to tackle problems. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, which refers to relationships of all sorts and your connection to the world around you.

People know you as someone who loves to socialise. Your outgoing nature and love of communicating brilliant ideas to people around you is one of your strengths. You’re rarely at a loss for words … even on your worst day you have the gift of the gab!

You not only have the ability to share your ideas in a very natural way; you also have charm in the way you convey your feelings. This is another of your very positive traits. Even people who don’t agree with what you have to say can’t resist you and will usually behave well around you — you’re simply a nice person.

Your love of communication makes you an excellent mediator and negotiator. Coupled with the fact that you’re always reasonable in the way you deal with people, this means your friends and co-workers can always depend on your having a balanced viewpoint, even in the fiercest of arguments.

In fact, if there’s a problem with you, it comes out of the fact that you’re so good at seeing all the sides of a problem and staying impartial. This makes it hard for you to commit to one side of an argument — you don’t want to be seen as biased, and you want everyone to like you!

What ends up happening is that the way you get everyone’s approval is by agreeing with everyone. This is not a good idea, because you’re agreeing to things for the wrong reasons: to keep everyone on side, rather than because you’re firmly committed to something. Try not to do this, because it can mess up your dealings with people. You don’t need to bend over so far just to be accepted.

Making decisions is an area in which you excel, but again, don’t jump to conclusions simply to please others. You have the ability to look at all sides of an issue, so use it. Sometimes you get stressed if you feel you’re being obstructed somehow. The answer is to get all the relevant facts; running off and asking others to support you will just confuse things.

And anyway, if you look inside yourself you’ll realise that you can rely on your own experiences. You don’t need to use others as a crutch for your decisions.

When you get to know people, you are perfectly comfortable sharing your feelings with them, and you’ll go to some trouble to make them feel at ease. You create harmony in your environment to match the harmony in your character.

This relates to the fact that your ruling planet is Venus. This is a soft and gracious planet, and feminine by nature. Your softer side is expressed in pretty much everything you do — the way you entertain guests, the type of home furnishings you like to buy, the clothes you wear and even your personal grooming.

All these things express the natural flair and grace which is part of that Venus temperament. There’s no way others won’t notice your style. People see you as elegant and tasteful — and that’s people who know you well as well as people who’ve just met you.

You often make a great first impression because you are such a good communicator and connect so easily with people; this makes you an ace networker. Some people believe you must have an ulterior motive because you are dealing with so many people at once, but it’s really just that you absolutely love socialising and partying. You are a real ‘people person’.

Because Venus is the planet of love, you seek love this in everything you do, and particularly in relationships. Finding your soulmate is a big dream, perhaps even your most significant life mission — you will go to great lengths to meet lots and lots of people. Who knows where you’ll find the right one? You have a lot to give to the person you feel is your perfect match.

Very few Librans find the peace and satisfaction they’re looking for until they’ve connected with that special person. Once this happens, they can really get into their work, family and other domestic affairs with energy.

There are three grades of Libra. Which of these do you fall under? You can figure it out by the date of your Libran birth.

If you're born between the 24th of September and the 3rd of October you are a true die hard Libran and have the qualities of Venus fully dominating your life. You are artistic, caring and full of love and social warmth. Venus provides you with loads of friends, perhaps too many at times.

Librans born between the 4th and 13th of October are a little wacky by nature but harmless. If that's you, life is a bundle of fun and you can expect the unexpected from time to time. You like the surprises that life throws at you.

The final portion of Libra occurs between the 14th and 23rd of October. Were you born during this time frame? If so, you are the type of Libran who is constantly on the hunt for knowledge and information. You are an eternal student who will never tire of learning news things. As well, you will never grow old as Mercury's co rulership of your life ensures a sprightly and youthful attitude.

Libra is a movable air sign, which means there’s creativity in you. You are quick to grasp ideas, and you have a need to produce works of art and unusual or original things. You bring a touch of art to anything you do. Remember to incorporate this part of you into all your life’s activities; you’ll be richly rewarded.


Magnetic, elusive, sexy and determined. That’s you Scorpio! You were born under the eighth sign of the zodiac which is referred to by astrologers as a fixed water (ice) sign. In a lot of ways ice sums up your emotional character. But why is this, when you have fiery and warlike Mars ruling you?

Your star sign is probably one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. It has had a pretty bad rap over the years, but that’s just because what people don’t understand, they tend to fear. That cool aloofness is just the surface of your complex nature, and is by no means bad. Below the surface of your cool exterior is a scorching and passionate fire. You know it and others sense it too.

You’re an emotional being, and you take it to the limits. In fact you need overkill to feel really alive. You also want approval, though you don’t often verbalise that. You give 100 per cent of yourself to those you love, and expect the same, if not more, in return. There are definitely no half measures in your attitude to love.

You are demanding of yourself and others, but when you give your heart to someone you’re very loyal. You are committed to anything you do, including relationships — you absolutely adore the idea of love. It’s a challenge that excites you.

You turn heads whenever you walk into a room — you are the strong, silent type, and you have a magnetic aura. You have something that’s hard to put your finger on but makes it nearly impossible for people to ignore you. You know full well that you can manipulate people, and you love it! This magnetic power is really your greatest strength.

It’s well known astrologically that the eyes of a Scorpio can hypnotise. Whether you know it or not, this is your most powerful physical trait. Often people will often say that you have amazing eyes. So even though you don’t always articulate your feelings, your eyes do plenty of communicating for you — they can express the full range of your emotional states.

Determination is another of your key characteristics. People can see you as insensitive to others’ needs, even obsessive, because you push forward so single-mindedly. There are no half-measures in your life — in friendship, love, family life or work. You want to be the best, and you won’t let anything stand in the way.
But on the plus side, you like to share your successes with the people you take under your wing, whether they’re family or friends.

You’re not afraid of obstacles or challenges, whether they are something unavoidable or foes or competitors. In fact, you thrive on them — you love trying to prove that no one can stop you.

If someone tries to corner you or put you in a difficult situation, they’d better be prepared to give it their best shot, because you won’t give in until you win, and your enemy is totally crushed in body, mind and spirit.

If that ruthless streak in your character can’t be satisfied straight away, you’ll wait, patiently, until the proper time to seek revenge. Time is of no consequence to you when it comes to wreaking vengeance.

Whether you’re fulfilling your sensual appetites or your more noble aspirations, pleasure will always be a focus for you. You want it all. You are not afraid of the dark side, even though you seek the light. This is why Scorpio has three totems — the scorpion, the lizard and the phoenix.

The scorpion is the most vengeful and dangerous part of your nature. If you’re operating on that level, you’ll be constantly seeking to hurt others with your power. This is, of course, something to avoid.

The lizard represents the class of scorpions who hide from life and never quite achieve the full measure of their power. They sometimes seek self-destructive outlets such as drugs or even criminal activities to satisfy their obsessive nature.

If you aspire to the best that Scorpio has to offer, you’ll be the phoenix, which rises out of the ashes. This transformative totem indicates that you have to burn your lower nature to allow the most splendid parts of your nature to live and grow. Fortunately, most Scorpios lean towards the phoenix.

In appearance you will be well proportioned, strong in body, muscular, and with a broad face and a commanding look. Your eyes, as already mentioned, are your strong point.

You are a tireless worker and generally achieve great success after the middle part of life.

The life of a Scorpio is challenging, but there’ll never be a dull moment.


Sagittarius is undoubtedly one of the most positive of the star signs. You were born under the ninth sign, which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter’s traditional name was Jove, hence your jovial attitude.

You’re extremely confident in whatever you do. Being one of the luckiest signs, fortune seems to favour you, whether you plan things or not. That’s also the reason you don’t mind taking the odd risk or two. You feel as if you can’t possibly lose. This almost cocky attitude is something that attracts people to you.

You’re also very enthusiastic, and this is contagious — people can’t help but feel the same way in your presence.

Because people like you so much, they want to help you achieve your goals. But sometimes your life objectives are colossal — those arrows seem to shoot much further than the eye can see. Your philosophy is to bite off more than you can chew and then chew as fast as you can.

People around you will sometimes feel that you’re overly ambitious, and that your aims are pie in the sky. This is not likely to change you: you’d always rather aim high and take on the adventure of life than get to the end of the road regretting that you didn’t have a good go at making your dreams come true.

One of your primary lessons in life will be related to this. You will need to learn that there are limits to what you’re capable of, and how to recognise them. Making sure your goals are actually practical enough to be achieved is another side of this one.

You have a great sense of timing, and know just when to make your move. This is because Sagittarius also governs knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. You know you can trust your gut feeling, so call on it when you need it.

Personal growth and understanding is a key aspect of your personality. You hate the idea of waltzing blindly through life without understanding — or finding — its meaning. This seems like a bit of a contradiction, because you’re quite a party animal too, but you do have this deeper side to your character.

So you’re constantly looking for meaning in your life, trying to figure out what makes the world tick, and planning and dreaming about how you can extract the maximum benefit from your time here. This is vitally important to you, so you’ll go to great lengths to find what you’re searching for.

Your totem, the Centaur, which is half man and half beast, describes you and the way you live your life perfectly. The Centaur has a bow and arrow and is aiming at the sky. This is you to a T. High ambitions.

Because you are so positive, you see the possibilities as endless. You never take no for an answer, and you always see the cup as half full, not half empty. Adventure is your second name, and you will have a strong desire to travel and seek out new experiences. Visiting different countries and exploring diverse cultures will add to your all-round happiness. This curiosity also comes with a dose of restlessness, though.

You have a genuine interest in getting to the truth and be part of whatever environment you’re in, but you are easily bored if the mental stimulation is missing. This is especially true when we put ‘Sagittarius’ in the same sentence as ‘relationship’.

Lots of people don’t get where you’re coming from. You’re serious about relationships, but you need a ton of stimulation and variety to keep love alive. You love to flirt and show off, but you need to be careful with this — if you’re in a relationship it will cause problems.

You love freedom, and this applies to relationships, your family situation and your work: you hate anyone tying you down. It’s as if you’re Peter Pan and want to stay forever young and free. You’ll need to balance this passion for independence with some responsibility and commitment sooner or later.

You’re a gambler in life, with money as well as with relationships, but you always seem to land on your feet. Even when you lose, which you do from time to time, your light-hearted and optimistic nature means you believe you’ll get it together again soon, without any trouble. And strangely, that’s usually true.

Your independent and free nature, though it’s one of your biggest assets, could cause you some difficulties. You are likely to expect everyone you come into contact to give you the freedom you want. People around you have to learn that this is an absolutely basic requirement for you.

At work, if you’re not allowed to make choices about how you do your work, you won’t work at your best. You rely very much on yourself, and if your employers give you a free hand, you’ll do great work — people will see this side of your personality at its best.

We said earlier that Jupiter is psychic, and that you have keen foresight. That sixth sense is behind many of the decisions you make, and the more you trust that higher power, the more rewarding your life will be. Your decisions will usually be correct.

Overall, you see life as a challenge, but also as a grand adventure in which you must play your part fearlessly. Nothing much will hold you back, and even when the odd adversity arises you’ll see it as part of your learning curve and accept it with a smile.


Few people are as practical and ambitious as Capricorn. Yours is the tenth sign, an earthy element, which makes you down to earth and matter-of-fact. Caution is your second name and this is due to Saturn, your ruling planet. You are sometimes shy and lack self confidence and self-esteem.

I've never met a Capricorn who was afraid of hard work in order which to achieve what they want in life. You are ambitious and go for your dreams and usually end up successful. You like money but not if it involves risk. You prefer to know exactly where your dollars and cents are going. You prefer traditional types of savings.

Others do not generally see you as too enthusiastic but when people get to know you, you do have a side to your nature which is humorous and affectionate. You like to work quietly and effectively without creating too much bother or attention to yourself.

You are emotionally cool so you don't warm to people that easily until you get to know them. Once you get closer you start to feel comfortable with them. Suspicion is one of the chief traits of Capricorn and when you meet people for the first time it is your way of displaying maturity by not jumping the gun. You like to understand what another person is really about.

You are a big thinker even though you work methodically and practically by taking your time to achieve what you set out to do. You never like airy, fairy concepts and only work on ideas which will vouch safe your financial and material security in the future. You are not a clock watcher when you work because you believe in doing a job right the first time round. You also hate wasting time. You are frugal, resourceful and hard working. Commitment is natural to you which is why, as I said earlier, you are likely to be successful in anything you attempt.

Not all Capricorns are supported in their lives so you learnt from an early age how to be self sufficient and to make it alone. You know exactly how to achieve your ambitions by yourself. Your primary philosophy is that self sufficiency is strength so you do not like to ask others to carry you. This also has a basis in the fact that you like to take full credit for what you achieve.

"Expect the worst but hope for the best" is a saying that I have often heard many Capricorns repeat. Basically you are very level-headed and don't expect things to happen overnight. People admire the way you work because you are motivated by your ambitions but also like to perfect your work and do it properly. You can always be relied upon to help others and not cut corners.

A traditional life style appeals to you because you like things in their place and need to be in control. Because of this you are not always the most exciting person to be around but you are extremely loyal and will never let anyone down when you give them your word. It does not seem to bother you that others see you as less adventurous. The name of the game to you is living life on your own terms rather than compromising.

Sometimes others make the mistake of thinking you are elitist. They get the sense you are looking down on them but this is not so because you are actually a very generous person with both your money and your time and if the cause is a worthy one there are fewer who are as generous as you.

Due to your cautious and meticulous mind you are a wonderful judge of character and can easily see through the BS. You are aware of the consequences of partnership both commercially and personally and are absolutely committed to your word.

If others get to know you they will understand that you are a very trustworthy, dependent, punctual individual that you can always be counted on to fulfil their needs and help them if the occasion arises.

In money matters you are extremely hard to deal with and are sometimes seen as being overly materialistic. Although you do drive a hard bargain your integrity always steers your course in life.

You have an incredible capacity to withstand the blows of life and even if times get tough your resilience and dedication is second to none. You gain greater strength than others from whatever misfortune occurs. You are like the steel under the blacksmith's hammer, getting stronger with every blow!

Your token is the Goat which shows just how capable you are of reaching the heights of any mountain. Your success is likely to occur later in life but when it does, you share what you have with others. You like measuring your success through what you have.

You expect people to be just as trustworthy as yourself. If you accept a responsibility you do so with full commitment. You always demand the same level of integrity from anyone you deal with both in the work place and at home.

You are sure to scale the heights of success and due to your keen focus, discipline and concentration your ruling planet Saturn insures a great deal of success, power and happiness. Capricorn stands for courage and achievement after a long and tedious effort.


You were fortunate enough to be born under the humanitarian zodiac sign of Aquarius. You are therefore ruled by electric and progressive Uranus making you forward thinking and self-directed. You’re a born revolutionary so no one can tell you how to live your life. Your clear-cut approach makes it perfectly clear just how differently you wish to experience life.

You just don’t want to be like others and take pride in the fact that you’re so unique. Even if you’re occasionally criticised for your cheeky attitude, you’d far prefer to be self-sufficient rather than being a sheep in society who follows everyone else’s lead.

You are a zesty individual, having tremendous amounts of energy. You are determined and forceful in how you deal with people. You want to express your ground-breaking spirit in everything you do but unfortunately you won’t always able to break free of the limits that are imposed upon you. Some Aquarians learn through their family life that before you can be the master of your own destiny, you have to serve. In some extreme cases Aquarians are controlled and dominated by others throughout the formative period of their lives which is why it’s so difficult for them to submit to others.

If you’re not able to live your life on your own terms, you’ll dream and aspire to a future time when you can fulfil your destiny to the fullest in exactly the way you want. You have very inspirational views of the world and even if your opinions are too different, you’ll always be respected for speaking your mind honestly.

You share your zodiac sign with many other grand personalities. Like them you are attracted to social issues. You like to be involved in groups and organisations that make a difference in society. Even in the smallest of ways, you will try to make some difference in this world. If you look at Aquarians like Oprah Winfrey, Boris Yeltsin and entertainers like Peter Gabriel and John Travolta, they are deeply interested in changing the awareness of people to make the world a better place.

Because you have great organisational and communication skills you work really well with others. You have your own ideas and solutions to problems. Others are surprised at your quirky approach and how you resolve these issues.

You’re investigative, curious and extremely active mentally. Your thinking mind rarely, if ever, stops. You need to learn when to shut down as your brain can become overactive, especially at night.

Communication is your speciality and you relate well to the world. You will continue to enlarge your active personality so don’t try to suppress your true character – just express it prudently. You’re vigorous in the way you present your ideas so there’s never a dull moment around you. There’s often someone who wants to challenge you, especially if they happen to have a much more conventional way of doing things. You’ll be more than happy to challenge that taking great pleasure in proving them wrong.

Uranus, your planetary ruler, is abrupt and breathtaking by nature and will fill your life with plenty of unanticipated surprises - good and not so good. You like it like this and the unexpected is something you thrive upon! Even if you have a stable home or work situation you like to shake things up from time to time to keep everyone on their toes. Still, you’re very loyal when it comes to your most personal relationships.

You like to create a comfortable environment in which to live. Venus influences your domestic sphere so you have a flair for design and colour. Your surroundings mirror your unique character. Others are amazed at the way you decorate your home. There’ll be nothing ordinary about it, that’s for sure.

Your far-reaching attitudes overwhelm your friends sometimes and they sometimes refer to you as harmlessly “mad”. Salvador Dali the famous painter once remarked about himself - "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad!" Even if he wasn't an Aquarius - this sums you up perfectly.

You embrace anything technological as Aquarius governs modern appliances. You are inventive and research orientated and certainly aren't a technophobe. If you’re an Aquarian male, some may even call you the “gadget man”. You like to be up to date with the latest and greatest handheld devices, computers and other audio or visual entertainment equipment.

You find it difficult to uphold relationships with those who aren’t prepared to evolve in the same way as yourself. Due to this you’ll be continually re-inventing yourself, trying to stimulate your friends to be better. Your rigid opinions bring you into disagreement with others. One of the laws of power suggests that you must act like others, but don’t always openly air your thoughts. It’s a good idea for you to keep some of their sweeping ideals tucked away until you test the water first.

There’s a universal quality about you. Although you appear aloof and detached you're inwardly sensitive and caring. You prefer to associate with people who share the same diverse views on life. Your life will almost certainly never be drab. You are able to embrace anything new including music and fashion. This is why you’ll always be young at heart.


In the scheme of astrology each of the zodiac signs supposedly indicates the level of evolution beginning with Aries and finishing with your sign, Pisces. There’s no doubt that the water signs, Pisces being the final and most mature of them, indicates your spiritually developed character.

The ruling symbol of your star sign is the fish and just as the fish lives in the ocean, so to is Pisces suffused with feeling and empathy, the emotions that are characterized by water. You truly are a compassionate and unconditionally loving person.

You have a universal approach to the way you live and this is seen in most of your actions. Whenever you see someone suffering, or in some type of trouble, it touches your heart and you can’t help but offer your assistance. Your heart goes out to them. Even if you’re in a hurry, busy doing something else, you’ll take time out of your busy day to lend a helping hand where you can. It is second nature for you to care.

Your friends know you to be a person upon whose shoulders they can rest their weary and heavy heads in times of stress. They look to you when they feel they need to offload their problems. You’re always there to help reassure and calm them.

One of the difficulties with your sensitive nature is that you avoid making hard decisions at times, especially if you feel this is going to undermine someone else. With close friends and family members you’ll do anything to help them but don’t forget you must also help yourself. Some Pisces are so habituated to this attitude that they themselves end up becoming the sacrificial lamb in their relationships. You should try to recognise when you’re being used as no one gains from this. Balancing your needs and those of others is a particularly important lesson for you.

Because you’re an intuitive person you don’t always like to think your problems through. Using your emotions and your deeper intuitive powers is the way you prefer to resolve your life problems, even if others don’t quite see the sense in it. Pisces, you are somewhat of a daydreamer aren’t you? Nevertheless your instincts are powerful and more often than not correct. Your ability to foresee things before it actually happens is quite uncanny. I’ve known many Pisceans who become psychics and clairvoyant as they have the ability to act as mediums. Remember though that intuition can only go so far. Learn to develop your thinking processes as well as your intuitive feelings.

You have an instinctive understanding that there’s a unifying thread throughout all of life. You see this sometimes more clearly than you see the real world. As a result, you can tap into the universal consciousness and produce wonderful works of art and music. You should allow yourself the opportunity to express your vision of life. Culture is important to you ands you love to surround your self with artwork, music poetry and fine furnishings.

You’re a very emotional person so you need the support of people to allow you to express this. Sometimes because you’re so hypersensitive it works against you and you end up absorbing the negativity of people around you. You mustn’t let others drag you down into their world of bad feelings.

You’re idealistic about the way you see the world and unfortunately what you see is not in keeping with your aspiration. You have to learn to accept the world with all its faults.

Sometimes you’re out of step with the world around you so be careful not to end up living in a world of your own making. You need loving friends to help your feet carefully planted on the ground so your creative dream weaving doesn’t make you impractical. You’re gentle, impressionable and receptive. You want to share your emotions and are also happy to receive the demonstrative love of others.

You try to hide just how sensitive you are and if someone insults you tend to suppress these feelings and can become depressed. You mustn’t be afraid to speak up even if you do upset or anger someone by doing so.

You enjoy your own company and are quite satisfied to potter around in a quiet way and enjoy what nature and life have to offer. You’re equally comfortable in a social environment. Sometimes you do feel isolated and a little disconnected from life. This makes you feel dispassionate even if you do seem to be enjoying what is going on.

Because you are an observer of human nature you are philosophical and realise that nothing lasts forever. If, for example, in relationships you have to let go of someone, then so be it. You understand that all good things must pass.

Your destiny is primarily connected to wisdom, self-knowledge and compassionate service to the world. You must be free to live your life on these terms and if you’re able to do so you’ll become much more secure within yourself and at the same time can bring great satisfaction to those who are lucky enough to come into contact with you.

~ Page Created by Sexy ~
July 1, 2010

Works Cited: http://www.astrology.com.au/12signs/index.asp

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