Energy Enhancement

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Salutations,well energy as we know it is our lifeforce,our essense

there are many different kinds of energy some people have positive healthy energy and some have negative sick energy,there are many kinds of energy that can be defined

I will teach you one method for consuming energy,the life source that keeps another living creature sustained to do everyday activities

first i would like to say that practice is the key word in learning anything and always do the proper research before jumping into anything,that being said...it is also very important to have focus,good visualization skills
and try not to place any boundaries or limitations on yourself when learning as that will only end your progress before you even start to learn

now you can take energy from plants,animals or other beings such as humans and spirits,in the end it is all up to you

now to get yourself into the correct state of consciousness you should find a comfortable place and position your body in a manner that is comfortable and not restricting of any way

once that is achieved you should start with a basic breathing technique of taking air through your nasal passage and releasing the air though your mouth

breath in air from your nose with the count of 4

hold that breath in your lungs for the count of 4-6 depending on how well your lungs are developed

now release all that air out of your lungs with a count of 4-6 depending on how much air you have taken in

now repeat this for a count of ten 10 times

okay off to the next step

while continuing to do the breathing exercises now imagine a small circle of light developing in the center of your chest

picture this light swirling and growing bigger and larger and becoming brighter in whiteness

imagine it in appearance growing into a warp hole to about 3 feet in diameter

now imagine this white energy warp tunnel moving about 1 foot in front of your chest

picture it undulating with bright warm energy

now after you visualized this and got a good focus going start to imagine that small slug like creatures start to appear and swim in this white energy warp hole,imagine anywhere between 5-15 of them

now picture each slug having an umbilical chord that is connected directly to you,to your chest,now these slug like creatures are swimming faster and faster in a frenzy in the energy warp tunnel that you have created

now locate your living target that you wish to take energy from

once you have found a target imagine these slug like creatures stretching outward with their umbilical chords pass the energy warm tunnel and closer and closer to the target to feed from until they are an inch away

now picture them slowly feeding and growing larger and fatter off of the energy source of your living target

continue letting them take energy until they are very bulky

now once this is accomplished visualize these slug like creatures slowly coming back to you closer and closer until they are back inside the warp tunnel

now imagine all the energy that they have obtained going from them to the umbilical chord that is attached to you and all that energy begins to slide down it and inside of you and as you receive this energy imagine these slug like creatures becoming thin and small once again

once this is done picture the slug like creatures slowly dissolving within the energy warp tunnel and now start picturing the white energy warm tunnel getting smaller and smaller until it finally disappears

well this is the end of the lesson,if you followed it properly you have just learned a genuine technique for energy enhancement

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